22 Donors
The city of Aden is in a dire situation. It has been ravaged by civil war, natural disaster, disease and now Covid-19. The residents of the city have little or no income and they have been joined by thousands of displaced people from other parts of Yemen. Arrafah Foundation is running a kitchen, Matbakh al-Aydarus, which provides hot meals to hundreds of people every day. It is important to maintain the dignity of those in need and to follow health safety guidelines. Food is therefore delivered directly to those in need to homes or shelters - there is no queueing. At the moment the Kitchen is providing 300 meals per day but due to the need it would like to reach 1000 meals per day. This can only be achieved with your help. One meal is less than a dollar: $1.00 Please help us to keep the food reaching those who need it most! Arrafah Foundation operates a strict 100% DONATION policy.